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Wayag Karst Archipelago

Wayag karst archipelagi Raja Ampat

 Boat Trip to WayagWho has never heard about Wayag? Keep reading, this is the best destination for scenic view lovers! Wayag is such an amazing carst archipelago hidden in the outer side of Raja Ampat Regency. The islands is in the shape of sprouting mushroom from the sea, with crystal clear blue water and the blue sky above. Wouldn’t you call it a paradise?

Dreamed vacation was in front of us. We went there with a medium size boat. We left in the early morning and the journey took around 4 hours. Get ready for the waves though, the guide said it was nice and calm. But if they described such a wave as a calm situation, I can’t imagine how the big waves could be 😀

It was a bit weird that on the way to Wayag we had to stop and pay another entrance fee to the elders of the village for (again) 90-100 USD. We were confused, we thought that with the card we had paid before we would be able to go all around the regency. The information was not clear, but in the end we paid it because they told us that it was the entrance fee for the boat we used.

It was kind of too much paying here and there. But on the other hand, I understand why they are maintaining this regulation. This place is so beautiful because the local people have been keeping it and respecting the nature in accordance with their culture and belief. Those mischievous hands from the uneducated tourists could destroy it and their efforts to preserved the area would be just gone in a blink of an eye.

Trekking to Wayag View Point

It’s not over yet. To be permitted to reach out the viewing point, we had to pay for the (other) guide. The chosen guides who know the place and have the right for the guidance. If you tried to go without them and they found it out, you would have to pay even more. Here in Papua, you better make sure to have extra money with you (better is in IDR). The coordination is not so good and sometimes they told you about some payments in the middle of your journey. You wouldn’t know when and where you will pay for something. Also look for more information before you go to some place!

There are 2 viewing points in Wayag, we were just able to go the 1st one. We had to climb up the sharp craggy steep hill. Make sure to have good sandals or hiking shoes with you and also drinking water, it was hot up there. It was slightly windy and not so much place to step on, be really careful. If you stepped to a wrong point and fell down, then you wouldn’t have so much chances of survival. And more, hospitals are far far away from this place, make sure to be safe 😉

After all of these struggles, we finally reached the top of Wayag. It was creepy for me at first, but then I was able to enjoy the beauty. It was fantastic. I was dreaming to come to the top of Wayag since long time ago, now I could say that I’ve stepped my feet there already. Previously, I was just seeing the place from photos. But I have seen it with my own eyes, that was epic! Now it’s your turn, will you go there too? Let me know on the comment section below.

Wayag Viewpoint

Wayag Top View

You can read other destinations that worth to visit here Where to go in Raja Ampat, Papua.

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